Enough is Enough The Amish Issue/
Cynthia Susanne
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This morning, one of my sisters in-Rescue called me very upset. She had been asked to pick up some Amish unwanted puppies. For those of you saying what are “Amish Unwanted Puppies” The area that we are in has an Amish community that not only breeds dogs for brokerage sales to puppy stores/auctions, they will not spend the money on spaying or neutering their own farm dogs so, when they cant sell or give away the puppies they find us in rescue or they will kill the puppies. So she showed up this morning to pick up the puppies and he had killed them. Needless to say she was upset. So they then tell her they now no longer want the mom dog this beautiful bluetick hound, she has been chasing horses etc..coming up with shallow excuses to rid themselves of this adult dog,(you will notice the young puppy chained behind her, thats her replacement)They are going to kill her. She called me asking for help so I told her let’s do this. Tell them we’ll pick her up on Monday and that gives us a little bit to concoct to plan to network this dog out of the hell she is in.
So please help us help her, what we know for sure is she seems incredibly friendly and decent with kids. I wouldn’t trust her with livestock. They said she is chasing livestock, but one, they may be lying and two,it could potentially be her being hungry.
There really are not words to describe my distain for the Amish community, that’s not to say that there are not some very nice Amish people. However, if I were to put a percentage together I would say 20% of the Amish community is decent and 80% is pure evil. Their crimes against animals just scratch the surface. I would’ve sworn that several years ago when the news story broke of a 12 year old Amish girl being pregnant in an incestuous home, that the cat is out of the bag that the general public would no longer look at the Amish as these Puritanical people, but see them for what is behind the curtain. That did not happen even though these horrific situations are the norm. I have spent enough time now within these folks to differentiate and I’m shocked.There are massive inequities that I can only hope one day will be remedied. I want to be clear that I could care less someone’s religious preference. I wholly support religious choice, what we are witnessing is outrageous. If an average American citizen decided to ride down the highway on a bicycle with a baby, they could be charged with endangerment. Highway 60 through Southwest Missouri harbors tons of 18 wheelers and high-speed motorists. It is absurd that a horse and buggy would legally share the highway and not expect fatal results. The Amish will not purchase cell phones, landlines or phone plans, but they will borrow “English” phones at all hours. I see their inconsistencies as fruit from a poison tree. Look, I get it they’re cheap labor. weve got a lot of construction operations, they use Amish crews so I understand. Let me reiterate I’ve met some perfectly nice Amish people. I for one I’m sick to death of the blatant hypocrisy, I could continue on with inappropriate sexual advances I’ve encountered, requests for liquor and pornographic material and this is while I’m picking up Dogs. I would be willing to wager that if the southwest Missouri Amish were black, brown, or wearing a turban it would have been a much shorter stay.
**RANT END** Back to DOG
Help me get her anything, I will drive her anywhere, she’s had no vetting to speak of, I would say she would be a really great family pet.
If we can network her into a licensed rescue that’s fine, if someone wants to foster her that’s fine, Animal Angels Network will
Rescue. We could definitely use some financial help! but I gotta get this dog out of there!!!
#animalangelsnetwork #doglove #rescuereality #animallover #rescuedog